Anne Warren
Anne Warren
Research Associate
Family Well-Being and Children’s Development

Warren has 10 years of experience processing and analyzing quantitative data from programs focused on health care and employment. While at MDRC, she has been a member of the data team for many studies, including the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation (MIHOPE), MIHOPE-Strong Start, the Coordinated Care for High-Cost Medicaid Recipients with Disabilities evaluation, the Accelerated Benefits Demonstration, the California Works for Better Health project, and the Work Advancement and Support Center Demonstration. Warren’s work primarily consists of overseeing administrative data acquisition and performing key data processing, verification, and analysis tasks. Analytical activities include monitoring the similarity of baseline characteristics between program and control groups and estimating impacts as revealed by follow-up surveys and administrative records, including Medicaid claims records. Warren has coauthored numerous MDRC reports and scholarly journal articles. She holds a BA from Colgate University and a master’s degree in public policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.



Final Implementation and Impact Findings from the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation-Strong Start


Laying the Groundwork for Long-Term Follow-Up in the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation (MIHOPE)


The Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation-Strong Start Second Annual Report


Managing Health Care for Medicaid Recipients with Disabilities


Final Report on the Colorado Access Coordinated Care Pilot Program


Impacts on Health and Employment at Twelve Months


Six-Month Results from the Accelerated Benefits Demonstration

Other Publications

Kim, Sue, Charles Michalopoulos, Richard M. Kwong, Anne Warren, and Michelle S. Manno. 2013. “Telephone Care Management’s Effectiveness in Coordinating Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries in Managed Care: A Randomized Controlled Study.” Health Services Research 48, 5: 1730-1749.

Michalopoulos, Charles, David Wittenburg, Dina A. R. Israel, and Anne Warren. 2012. “The Effects of Health Care Benefits on Health Care Use and Health: A Randomized Trial for Disability Insurance Beneficiaries.” Medical Care 50, 9: 764-771.

Taylor, Erin Fries, Catherine G. McLaughlin, Anne W. Warren, and Paula H. Song. 2006. “Who Enrolls in Community-Based Health Initiatives for the Uninsured and Why Do They Stay?” Health Affairs 25, 3: w183-w191.