Study Finds Merit In Youth Villages' Transitional Program

Memphis Daily News

Youth Villages’ 17-year-old transition program for children aging out of the foster care system at age 18 improved participants’ outcomes in housing stability, economic well-being, and employment and earnings, according to a new clinical study by nonprofit research organization MDRC.

And even though the impact study of Youth Villages’ YVLifeSet program showed no statistically significant improvements in education, social support or criminal involvement compared to a control group, the study’s lead researcher said Monday, June 29, the program shows promise.....

.....YVLifeSet, formerly known as the Transitional Living program, has reached more than 7,000 teenagers since its founding in 1999 – including 1,400 in the last year – at a cost of $6,500 to $7,000 per participant. The program now reaches six states, but its largest presence is in Tennessee, where it is funded by the state and nonprofit philanthropies.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam was at Youth Villages headquarters in Bartlett Monday for the announcement of the study results.....

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