Beyond Welfare and Work First

Building Services and Systems to Support California's Working Poor and Hard-to-Place

By Steven Bliss

California's welfare reform program, CalWORKs, has been successful at lowering welfare caseloads and moving welfare recipients into employment, but through year-end 2000, many families exiting CalWORKs remained in poverty. As a result, CalWORKs intensified its focus on job retention and advancement, income supports, and financial incentives designed to increase families' income. In January 2001, MDRC convened a three-day conference in Sacramento with the aim of bringing together state legislators, key state and local officials, executive staff, service providers, and advocates for a discussion of the crucial issues facing California's welfare and workforce development systems. Highlighting the conference's key messages and themes, this publication is intended to serve as a resource manual that presents innovative thinking on how policies and services can better meet the needs of California's poor.

Document Details

Publication Type
January 2001
Bliss, Steven. 2001. Beyond Welfare and Work First. New York: MDRC.