Sector-Focused Training That Meets the Needs of Job Seekers and Employers

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Can working closely with employers make job training programs more effective?

Although many training programs exist, low-income individuals often cannot afford them, do not complete them, or do not obtain a marketable credential. At the same time, many employers claim that they cannot easily find people with the right occupational skills to meet their needs.

A sector-focused approach to job training can help low-income adults build skills for jobs in high-demand fields with opportunities for career growth. Working closely with employers can ensure that candidates receive credentials and licensing necessary for that industry sector.

MDRC is evaluating WorkAdvance — a sector-based, skill-building model, launched in 2011 as a national Social Innovation Fund project sponsored by the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City and the Center for Economic Opportunity. WorkAdvance providers work closely with employers in New York, Tulsa, and northeastern Ohio to help job seekers prepare for and enter quality jobs as well as succeed and advance in the labor market.

Join John Hutchins as he talks to Richard Hendra, Senior Associate and lead researcher on the MDRC study of WorkAdvance.

About Evidence First

Policymakers talk about solutions, but which ones really work? MDRC’s Evidence First podcast features experts—program administrators, policymakers, and researchers—talking about the best evidence available on education and social programs that serve people with low incomes.

About Leigh Parise

Leigh PariseEvidence First host Leigh Parise plays a lead role in MDRC’s education-focused program-development efforts and conducts mixed-methods education research. More