Does SSP Plus Increase Employment

The Effect of Adding Services to the Self-Sufficiency Project’s Financial Incentives

By Gail Quets, Philip K. Robins, Elsie Pan, Charles Michalopoulos, David Card

This is the latest in a series of reports published on the Self-Sufficiency Project (SSP), a test in Canada of a “making work pay” strategy to encourage work among long-term welfare recipients. This report presents findings on what happens when SSP’s financial incentives are offered in conjunction with employment-related services. 

These new findings show that a combination of incentives and services can help a substantially larger proportion of eligible participants move into full-time employment than can be achieved by offering financial assistance alone.

Document Details

Publication Type
May 1999
Quets, Gail, Philip Robins, Elsie Pan, Charles Michalopoulos, and David Card. 1999. Does SSP Plus Increase Employment The Effect of Adding Services to the Self-Sufficiency Project’s Financial Incentives. New York: MDRC.