Headshot of Barbara Condliffe
Barbara Condliffe
Senior Associate
K-12 Education

Condliffe is a mixed-methods researcher who leads education projects in the K-12 policy area, focusing on various topics including supplemental academic supports, student social and emotional well-being, and school choice. Since starting at MDRC in 2014, Condliffe has led numerous large-scale rigorous research projects, including the National Evaluation of Training in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior conducted for the U.S. Department of Education. Condliffe also leads several partnerships with public education agencies and nonprofit providers to support their application of research insights and methodologies to their program improvement efforts. Before joining MDRC, Condliffe was a researcher with the Baltimore Education Research Consortium. She also taught middle and high school English in New York City and worked at the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, D.C. Condliffe holds a B.A. from Bowdoin College and an M.A. in teaching from Brooklyn College. She was an Institute of Education Sciences predoctoral training fellow at Johns Hopkins University, where she earned her Ph.D. in sociology.



Educators’ Advice on High-Dosage Tutoring Programs


Impacts on Elementary School Students’ Outcomes


Lessons Learned from a Research-Practice Partnership with New York City’s Department of Education


Barriers to Student Success and Opportunities for Improvement


Engagement in New York City's Kindergarten Application


Challenges and Opportunities in Summer Programs for Rising Kindergarten Students

Working Paper

A Literature Review


Building a School Choice Architecture

Other Publications

Condliffe, Barbara, Rekha Balu, Margaret Hennessy, and Rachel Leopold. 2020. “The Promise of a Collaborative Approach to Problem-Solving and Innovation-Testing: Reflections from a New Research-Practice Partnership in New York City.” NNERPP Extra 2, 2: 14–18.

Hsueh, JoAnn, Barbara Condliffe, William Corrin, Samantha Steimle, Rekha Balu, Margaret Hennessy, Sharon Huang, Vianny Lugo-Aracena, Michelle Maier, Shira Mattera, Shay O’ Brien, Amena Sengal, Jed Teres, Samantha Wulfson, and Jennifer Yeaton. 2021. "Building Toward Effectiveness.” The Future of Children 31, 1: 161–168.

McCormick, Meghan P., Mirjana Pralica, Paola Guerrero-Rosada, Christina Weiland, JoAnn Hsueh, Barbara Condliffe, and Catherine Snow. 2021. “Can Center-Based Care Reduce Summer Slowdown Prior to Kindergarten? Exploring Variation by Family Income, Race/Ethnicity, and Dual Language Learner Status.” American Educational Research Journal 58, 2: 420–455.

Alexander, Karl, and Barbara Falk Condliffe. 2016. "Summer Setback in Baltimore: A Review and Update." Pages 23-34  in Karl Alexander, Sarah Pitcock, and Matthew Boulay (eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss. New York: Teachers College Press.

Condliffe, Barbara. 2016. “Selecting Summer: How Elementary School Parents Make Choices About Summer Programs.” Pages 146-160 in Karl Alexander, Sarah Pitcock, and Matthew Boulay (eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss. New York: Teachers College Press.

Condliffe, Barbara F., Melody L. Boyd, and Stefanie DeLuca. 2015. "Stuck in School: How Social Context Shapes School Choice for Inner-City Students." Teachers College Record 117, 3: 1-36.

Plank, Stephen B., and Barbara Falk Condliffe. 2013. "Pressures of the Season: An Examination of Classroom Quality and High-Stakes Accountability." American Educational Research Journal 50, 5: 1152-1182.