Rae Walker
Research Associate
Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment

Walker is a research associate in MDRC’s Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment policy area. They are responsible for program development and external affairs for MDRC’s Center for Criminal Justice Research, where they lead outreach to foundation and government partners and develop strategies for disseminating the Center’s work to practitioners, advocates, and policy-makers.

Walker has extensive experience developing rigorous and feasible research designs, conducting data collection and analysis, and leading dissemination efforts. Their body of work spans the breadth of the justice system to include evaluations of pretrial release conditions, alternatives to incarceration programs, and court fines and fees systems.

Before joining the Center for Criminal Justice Research, Walker managed evaluations and technical assistance projects related to comprehensive student support within MDRC’s Postsecondary Education policy area. They previously held roles with the American Civil Liberties Union, the Legal Aid Society, and the Center for Justice Innovation. Walker holds a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University.



More Restrictive Conditions Fall Short of Producing Better Outcomes


Preliminary Findings on Fairness and Efficacy