Vivianna Plancarte
Vivianna Plancarte
Research Assistant
Postsecondary Education

Plancarte is a research assistant in the Postsecondary Education policy area and cochair of the organization’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advocacy Council (JEDI AC). Since joining MDRC in 2021, Plancarte has supported implementation research, report coordination, and project management efforts on projects that evaluate college programs that are meant to help students persist in college and graduate faster. As JEDI AC cochair, Plancarte assists committee members with developing organization-wide projects that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization and in MDRC’s research.

Outside of MDRC, Vivianna is engaged with the Save the Flower Person-to-Person Collective and is a member-owner of the Greene Hill Food Co-op, as well as a development intern at Mixteca. Before joining MDRC, Vivianna worked with a research team at the University of California, Merced to explore the experiences of Latino immigrants in rural California during the COVID-19 pandemic. She graduated from Pomona College in Claremont, California, with a BA in environmental analysis (psychology concentration) and minor in Chicanx/Latinx studies.



Resisting Erasure in Higher Education Policy and Practice


Exploring the Experiences of Students Ages 25 and Older


Participating in a College Support Program During the Pandemic and Beyond