William Corrin
K-12 Education

Corrin, who came to MDRC in 2004, manages MDRC’s K-12 Education policy area and leads experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations of educational reforms and interventions. He is currently leading the ReSolve Math Study, a national evaluation of digital math instructional support in late elementary grades. In addition, he is overseeing the implementation research for an evaluation of the Urban Assembly school support organization. Corrin led a national evaluation of Communities In Schools’ whole-school and targeted services that seek to reduce dropout rates and increase the school persistence of young people, and directed the national experimental evaluation of the Diplomas Now secondary school reform model. He has also led three national random assignment evaluations of literacy interventions. He directed the Evaluation of the Content Literacy Continuum, a literacy-across-the-curriculum framework for high school reform; the Enhanced Reading Opportunities Study, an evaluation of supplemental reading classes for ninth-graders; and the Evaluation of Academic Language Intervention for fourth- and fifth-graders. Corrin has also participated in MDRC’s work related to college- and career-readiness programs in high schools. He formerly served as director of research, evaluation, and assessment for Evanston Township District 202 in Illinois and taught social studies at an alternative high school in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg public school system in North Carolina. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Northwestern University.



A Framework for School Improvement and a Review of the Evidence

Issue Focus

Past Successes, Enduring Challenges, and Future Considerations


Final Findings from the Communities In Schools Random Assignment Evaluation


Interim Impact Findings from the Investing in Innovation (i3) Evaluation of Diplomas Now


Changing School Practices During the Second Year of Diplomas Now


Implementation and Interim Impact Findings from the Communities In Schools Evaluation


The First Year of Implementing Diplomas Now


Report on Program Impacts, Program Fidelity, and Contrast


An Exploratory Study of College Readiness Partnership Programs in Texas


The Impact of Supplemental Literacy Courses for Struggling Ninth-Grade Readers