MDRC’s Michael Weiss Named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness

The Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) has named Michael Weiss, MDRC Senior Associate, as the next editor-in-chief of its illustrious Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (JREE). Weiss succeeds Sean Reardon of Stanford University.

Weiss, who joined MDRC in 2008, focuses on evaluating programs designed to improve community college students’ chances of success. He also conducts methodological projects to improve the quality of randomized controlled trial evaluations in education. Weiss has been the principal investigator on seven Institute of Education Sciences-funded grants. Five focused on evaluations of postsecondary education programs, and two were methods grants — one examining variation in program effectiveness and the other providing empirically based guidance to researchers planning evaluations in postsecondary education. Weiss holds a BS and a master’s degree in applied statistics from Cornell University and a doctorate in education policy from the University of Pennsylvania.

SREE also named the following scholars to the JREE’s new editorial team:

  • Beth Boulay, Abt Associates

  • Julie Edmunds, University of North Carolina - Greens

  • Stephanie Jones, Harvard University

  • Luke Miratrix, Harvard University

  • Fatih Unlu, RAND