‘Aging Out’ Doesn’t End Foster Care

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The goal of foster care is to give children a permanent home, but that does not always happen before they reach the age of 18.

Some children reach their teenage years and hit the brink of adulthood before that happens. These teens are said to have “aged out” of the foster care system.

But recent years have seen more and more transitional resources being made available for these children to learn how to be live successfully on their own...

...Youth Villages also offers additional resources through a transitional living program option. This program allows the organization to work with participants until age 22. According to the Youth Villages website, private donations are used to provide services to those older than 21. MDRC, a nonprofit national research group, released a report in 2012 that states 83 percent of those who participated in the transitional living program were in school, had graduated or were employed two years after leaving the program...

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