Best Elementary School Program Resisted

The Washington Post

A program called Success for All, born in Baltimore 26 years ago to improve elementary schools, has set a record for most glowing reports from tough researchers.

But the latest study showing how well it works also hints at why it has not become more popular: It uses ability grouping and scripted lessons, both disliked by many teachers.

Success for All is found in four schools in Alexandria and three in Prince George’s County. Those numbers might increase in light of a new report by the well-respected research group MDRC. The report says that Success for All kindergartners did significantly better than similar students in 18 control group schools based on a standardized test of phonics....

....The MDRC study gathered not only test data but attitudes of teachers in the Success for All and control group schools. In the Success for All schools, 54.8 percent agreed or strongly agreed that their reading program was too rigid or scripted. Only 19.8 percent of the control group teachers said that about their non-Success for All programs.....

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