Study: Intensive, Individualized Help Can Aid Foster Youth Move Into Adulthood

Youth Today

At long last, there is good news about ways to help youth in foster care and those who have been in custody in the juvenile justice system as they move into adulthood.

Intensive, individualized care based on clinically sound practices can improve young people’s financial and emotional well-being and improve their chances of getting housing, a study of a transitional living program in Tennessee has found.

The study evaluated the program of YVLifeSet, formerly called Youth Villages Transitional Living Program, in Tennessee. It also operates programs in Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina and Oregon.....

.....Investigators followed for a year 1,300 youth who participated in the study. All were randomly assigned to the program or to a control group.

Results showed the program improved outcomes in three of six key areas of well-being, including economic well-being, housing and outcomes related to health and safety. The young people in the program had higher earnings, were more likely to have gained housing and were less likely to be involved in violent relationships.

The findings are especially important, the study authors wrote, because youth who have been in foster care, in custody in the juvenile justice system — or both — typically face great challenges as they move into adulthood. Many are traumatized or abused, and haven’t had the opportunity to learn important life skills.....

.....The study, conducted by MDRC, a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and social policy research firm, was funded by the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation......

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