Want More Community College Students to Graduate? Offer More Support

Signal Cleveland

Community colleges can be more affordable and accessible than their four-year peers. But national three-year graduation rates clock in at only about 29% for those first-time students attending full-time. It takes most community college students longer than two years to graduate.....

.....Offering students more support services as they navigate higher education could have a big impact on making it to graduation and earning money. That’s one of the takeaways from a new long-term analysis centering the experiences of three Ohio institutions, including Cuyahoga Community College and Lorain County Community College. 

Tri-C and LCCC, along with Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, put programs in place modeled after an offering from the City University of New York.

The Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, or ASAP, model gives students “up to three years of financial, academic, and personal support and services that address multiple barriers to student success,” according to the report from MDRC, a nonprofit organization that  evaluates educational programs.....

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