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John Hutchins
Chief Communications Officer
(212) 340-8604

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MDRC released encouraging results today from a demonstration, funded by Robin Hood, of two aligned interventions in New York City: Making Pre-K Count, a high-quality math curriculum in preschools, and High 5s, supplemental small-group “math clubs” provided to kindergartners. Together, the programs closed more than one-quarter of the math achievement gap.

Community College Daily, American Association of Community Colleges

MDRC’s College Promise Success Initiative provides technical assistance to College Promise and Free College programs interested in implementing evidence-based student support practices. This announcement summarizes the initiative and what it offers.

MDRC and its partners are launching a new initiative to provide technical assistance and continuous improvement support to college promise and free college programs to help them use research-based best practices to improve students’ academic outcomes.

U.S. News & World Report