Summer Doctoral Fellowships Available in the MDRC Gueron Fund Minority Scholars Program

MDRC is offering up to two summer doctoral fellowships for Ph.D. candidates who are pursuing independent, self-directed research on economic and social problems affecting low-income Americans. The fellowships are supported by the Gueron Minority Scholars Program, which seeks to engage and encourage individuals from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the education and social policy research communities.

Each recipient, who will receive a $5,000 stipend, will work on his or her doctoral dissertation — and will participate in the intellectual life of MDRC by attending seminars and project meetings and by working with key MDRC research staff. The fellowships are expected to begin in the summer and last for approximately two months, though there is some flexibility in the timing. The fellows can be located in our New York City or Oakland, CA, offices.

The application deadline for the fellowships is Friday, April 5, 2019. To learn more, click on the link above.