MDRC Statement on Continuing Our Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Like all of you, MDRC has been following the news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) very closely. Our top priorities are to protect the health and well-being of our staff and their families and to continue our work in ways that support our partners and the public health. To that end:

  • We have required our employees in all four of our offices (New York City, Oakland and Los Angeles, CA, and Washington, DC) to work from home until at least April 30 and have ensured that they have the technology to do that effectively. We will revisit this policy regularly based on the best public health guidance.
  • We have discontinued all travel for our teams. This decision was based in a concern for public health and a sense of obligation to our staff — and to the communities in which we work. We are working closely with our partners to find alternative ways to accomplish critical tasks in our shared projects.
  • We will continue to monitor the situation carefully, and we are committed to communicating with our partners and colleagues as the situation develops.

“We know that we all face many challenging days and weeks ahead of us,” said MDRC President Virginia Knox. “Our hearts are with the many people and communities who are in extremely difficult circumstances right now — the people working on the front lines, the workers who have been laid off or furloughed, and those who have been directly affected by illness. We are seeking ways to use our resources, expertise, and evidence to support the well-being of low-income and vulnerable individuals and families whose lives are being disrupted by this crisis.”

Updated April 1, 2020