Internships for Undergraduates Available for Summer 2021 in the MDRC Gueron Scholars Program

Are you a rising senior with a strong interest in learning about social or education programs, policies, and research? Are you curious how program evaluations can inform public policy? Are you considering graduate education or a career in public policy or education policy? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be an ideal candidate for a full-time paid summer internship at MDRC.

MDRC’s Gueron Scholars Program provides individuals from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the social and education policy research community with an opportunity for professional experience in the field.

Summer interns work with MDRC teams on a range of activities including:

  • Participating in seminars to learn about MDRC’s education and social policy research
  • Project shadowing to learn about the day-to-day aspects of real-life projects, as well as their research and policy contexts
  • Networking within the MDRC community to learn more about topic areas of interest to understand the context of MDRC’s research and policy work
  • Participating in other professional development activities, such as delivering a presentation on their internship experience and receiving resume coaching

Because of pandemic-related office closures, the internship will likely be held remotely but may transition to MDRC’s New York City office, if employees are cleared to return. The internship opportunity is expected to begin in mid-June 2020 and last 4-8 weeks. Exact start and end dates are flexible.

Applications should be submitted by February 15, 2021.