MDRC Awarded Three Grants to Continue Postsecondary Education Research in Detroit

MDRC continues our commitment to postsecondary research in Detroit through three new grants. Two grants, awarded by The Kresge Foundation and the Ford Foundation, will support a fourth year of study follow-up for the Detroit Promise Path study. This will extend the follow-up period of the original randomized controlled trial to understand whether the program had an impact on students’ academic outcomes, including college graduation, at the four-year mark. 

Another grant, awarded by the Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation, will support a qualitative study of the Detroit Summer Bridge. This new program, launched in 2021, aims to help recent high school graduates planning to attend local colleges and universities by enrolling them in a summer course supported by coaching, workshops, and peer discussions. 

MDRC is pleased to continue our partnerships in Detroit and looks forward to learning more about what works for Detroit students.