Intensive Advising Program Sees Early Success at New York 2-Year College

Higher Ed Dive

Viking ROADS, designed to help students get their associate degree in three years or less, is based on CUNY’s 15-year-old Accelerated Study in Associate Programs. ASAP, an oft-cited student success story in higher education, nearly doubled the three-year graduation rate for community college remedial students, according to a 2015 MDRC study.....

.....So far, Viking ROADS is on track to recapture ASAP’s success, said Stanley Dai, technical research analyst at MDRC. The program is seeing results in line with ASAP’s early experiences, Dai said.

In addition to boosting full-time enrollment rates, Viking ROADS also raised the number of cumulative credits students earned, according to the study.

First-semester Viking ROADS students earned an average of 1.1 more credits than nonparticipants. By the second semester, students in the program were three credits ahead. 

“You could think of this as being one class closer to graduation, to degree attainment,” Dai said.....

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