Sabrina Klein
Research Associate
K-12 Education

Klein is a research associate in the K-12 Education policy area, focusing on research and evaluations aimed at understanding the connections among K-12 education, postsecondary education, and the workforce for underserved populations and regions. She has served as a lead qualitative and implementation researcher on numerous projects, bringing extensive training and experience in qualitative research methodologies such as case studies, in-depth interviews, and focus groups, as well as in survey design and dissemination. Klein is also a member of the leadership teams for two MDRC programs, the Center for Effective Career and Technical Education and the Rural Higher Education Initiative.

Before joining MDRC, Klein amassed over a decade of experience as both a practitioner and researcher. Her rural practitioner background includes work in federally funded programs such as TRiO, GEAR UP, and workforce development initiatives. Additionally, she has served in college academic advising roles and instructed student success courses tailored to first-generation college students and community college transfer students. Klein is frequently invited to share her expertise with practitioners and policymakers nationwide. Klein is an alumna of the AmeriCorps State and National program. She holds a BA in communication studies from Southern Oregon University and an MA and PhD in higher education and organizational change from UCLA.




Opportunities and Challenges for an Emerging Labor Market


Implementation Findings

Issue Focus

How a Career Academy Is Training Students for the Sustainable Economy