MDRC Thanks Donnavon Fischer, Summer Law Clerk

MDRC expresses its thanks to Donnavon Fischer, a third-year student at Cornell Law School and summer associate at Sullivan & Cromwell, a major international law firm, who is working on a two-week pro bono assignment for MDRC.

Fischer holds a master’s degree in communication/public and media relations from Johns Hopkins University. Before law school, he served three years in the U.S. Army 2nd Cavalry Regiment as a Specialist. He is originally from California. 

“We really appreciate Donnavon’s contributions to MDRC this summer,” said Rose Kob, MDRC Vice President and General Counsel. “In addition to his pro bono project, Donnavon made a special effort to reach out to the undergraduate interns participating in MDRC’s Gueron Scholars Program, and I am very grateful.”