Beyond Work First

How to Help Hard-to-Employ Individuals Get Jobs and Succeed in the Workforce

By Amy Brown

Despite a strong economy and the efforts of welfare-to-work and workforce development programs, many welfare-reliant families have not yet made a successful transition to employment, and others who have not been on welfare have difficulties finding jobs. For some of these families, a host of complex problems play a part, including substance abuse, domestic violence, and physical, mental, and learning disabilities. This "how-to" guide presents promising practices for identifying and assisting these hard-to-employ people by distilling information and lessons from relevant research and the experiences of rehabilitation, clinical treatment, and welfare-to-work providers.

Document Details

Publication Type
April 2001
Brown, Amy. 2001. Beyond Work First How to Help Hard-to-Employ Individuals Get Jobs and Succeed in the Workforce. New York: MDRC.