Caroline Schultz Participating in July 31 Forum on Building Better Savings Products for Low-Income People

MDRC Research Associate Caroline Schultz will be a featured presenter in a New American Foundation event, “Building Better Savings Products: Can Innovation Help Lower-Income Americans Save? — to be held Tuesday, July 31, 12:15-1:30 pm, in Washington, DC.

Since the Great Recession hit, Americans started to identify saving for a rainy day as their number one savings priority. Yet many — particularly those with lower incomes — find that building up a pool of resources is no easy task. Unfortunately, the prevailing features for basic savings accounts, such as minimum balance requirements and limited distribution, don't meet the needs of many lower-income people.

As families strive to restore their balance sheets and build liquid savings for precautionary purposes, there has been heightened interest in developing savings products tailored to meet the needs of lower-income consumers. The Asset Building Program at the New America Foundation has invited the following several experts who are piloting innovative savings products and models that are targeted to low-income consumers:

Featured Speakers
Sherrie Rhine
Senior Economist, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Sarika Abbi
Director of Ideation, Doorways to Dreams (D2D) Fund

Caroline Schultz
Research Associate, MDRC

Pamela Chan
Senior Policy Analyst, Asset Building Program, New America Foundation

To register for the event, visit the New America Foundation website. The forum will also be webcast live. Follow @AssetsNAF for updates throughout the event and join the conversation with the hashtag #SPinnovation.