Jean Grossman Featured in October 18 Webinar on Mentoring

MDRC Senior Fellow Jean Grossman is participating in a free webinar, “Growing the Evidence Base for Mentoring: The Research, Lessons Learned, and Long-Lasting Impact of Public/Private Ventures,” on Thursday, October 18, 2:00-3:15 (ET). Sponsored by the Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota, the webinar will also feature Wilson Goode and Carla Herrera, who, with Grossman, either developed or evaluated mentoring programs at Public/Private Ventures, which closed its doors in July.

It is impossible to think about youth mentoring research and best practices without thinking about Public/Private Ventures, the Philadelphia-based research organization that illuminated many of the program and relationship practices the mentoring field follows today. Wilson Goode, Jean Grossman, and Carla Herrera will discuss the legacy of their work, the art of evaluating mentoring programs, and future trends and directions for the entire field.

To register for the free webinar, visit the Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota website.