Getting Promise Students Through the First Year: Lessons from the Detroit Promise Path and Beyond

This webinar provides participants with practical information and resources to help them support students through a critical time: the first year. Representatives from the Detroit Promise Path and MDRC share what they are learning about student success and increasing student persistence. The webinar was hosted on May 3, 2018 by MDRC and Detroit Promise Path.

The Detroit Promise, administered by the Detroit Regional Chamber, allows the city’s high school graduates to attend local colleges tuition-free. MDRC and the Chamber partnered to develop and implement the Detroit Promise Path by building proven-effective student success strategies on top of the existing promise scholarship program. Early findings from MDRC’s evaluation of the program showed encouraging positive impacts on students’ enrollment rates, including large and statistically significant impacts on full-time enrollment.

Slide deck from Getting Promise Students Through the First Year: Lessons from the Detroit Promise Path and Beyond