College Completion Strategy Guide

The College Completion Strategy Guide—a collaboration among MDRC, the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, The Education Trust, and The Institute for College Access and Success—provides clear policy guidance and summarizes the research on strategies to increase college completion. With this strategy guide, state and system policymakers can advance meaningful change in higher education with evidence-based policy.

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Reform Costs & Implementation

What does it take to implement a new policy or intervention? These briefs share broad lessons for enacting reforms in postsecondary education.

Kate Tromble, Katie Beal

A learning agenda is an outline of a state’s research priorities. This brief discusses how a state can use a learning agenda to direct investments toward proven interventions and foster equitable student success.

Sophia Laderman

State higher education funding is strongly linked with college completion. However, states often distribute funding inequitably, providing fewer resources to institutions that predominantly serve students of color and those with low incomes. This brief explores “state finance equity audits,” which states can use to assess and correct inequities in funding.

Austin Slaughter

Leaning on a robust body of evidence, this brief offers suggestions to policymakers, college administrators, and researchers for forecasting the financial impact of new interventions in postsecondary education, based on the interventions’ costs and their ability to keep more students enrolled, generate tuition revenue and state funding, and improve outcomes.