Filter Publications

November 2001

Interim Findings from the Self-Sufficiency Project’s Applicant Study

November 2001

Learning from the Jobs-Plus Demonstration

November 2001

Final Lessons from Parents’ Fair Share

Fathers provide important financial and emotional support to their children. Yet low-income noncustodial fathers, with low wages and high rates of joblessness, often do not fulfill their parenting roles. The child support system has not traditionally helped these men to do so, since its focus has been on securing financial support from fathers who can afford to pay.

November 2001

How W-2 Settles Disputes

November 2001

A Look at Early Implementation and Impacts on Student Achievement in Eight Elementary Schools

November 2001

Initial Assessments in the Milwaukee County W-2 Program

Methodological Publication
October 2001

New Directions in Evaluations of American Welfare-to-Work and Employment Initiatives

Methodological Publication
October 2001

Methodological Lessons from an Evaluation of Accelerated Schools

Working Paper
September 2001

The Effects of Welfare and Employment Programs on Child Care

September 2001

Studying Efforts to Increase Adult Learner Persistence in Library Literacy Programs

July 2001

Can Reform Resolve Welfare Policy's Thorniest Conundrum?

Methodological Publication
July 2001

The Effects of Program Management and Services, Economic Environment, and Client Characteristics

Working Paper
July 2001

New Experimental Evidence on Financial Work Incentives and Pre-Employment Services

June 2001

Implementation, Participation Patterns, Costs, and Three-Year Impacts of the Columbus Welfare-to-Work Program