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September 2020

Facilitating Dialogue Between Parents Using Principles of Procedural Justice

The Procedural Justice-Informed Alternatives to Contempt (PJAC) project integrates procedural justice (the idea of fairness in processes) into enforcement at six child support agencies. This brief aimed at child support practitioners and administrators describes the component of the PJAC model in which a case manager facilitates a discussion between parents.

Issue Focus
September 2020

Rapid Innovation and Ideas for the Future

The pandemic has exacerbated postsecondary education issues in rural areas that have affected students and communities for decades, such as the lack of adequate broadband infrastructure. In response, educators are developing innovative strategies that may be applicable to all institutions, not just those with a preponderance of rural students.

Issue Focus
August 2020

In this commentary, which originally appeared in Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, MDRC’s Alex Mayer and Alyssa Ratledge describe evidence-backed strategies that colleges can employ this fall to help students stay engaged.

Issue Focus
August 2020

Ismerlyn Gonzalez, a senior at Hunter College, held one of two paid internships in the MDRC Judith Gueron Scholars Program this summer. In this Q&A, she describes what drew her to MDRC, what she learned during her virtual internship, and what her plans for the future are.

Issue Focus
August 2020

Supporting Teachers’ Use of Technology for Remote Instruction

As the need for distance learning in some form continues due to COVID-19, lessons from an intervention that integrates technology coaching into a curriculum can help schools create support structures for teachers adopting new digital tools and could lead to significant gains in student learning.

Issue Focus
August 2020

Many schools are using technology-based tools to generate career recommendations and supplement the capabilities of their guidance departments. MDRC has partnered with two technology companies to test whether their career-advising software programs are viable tools for equitably supporting students as they identify and pursue future careers.

Issue Focus
August 2020

How Child First Is Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Home visiting programs like Child First are a vital support system for families coping with challenges such as homelessness, poverty, drug abuse, and maternal depression. As the COVID-19 crisis continues, Child First teams have transitioned to telehealth technology to maintain their relationships with families and provide them with much-needed services.

Issue Focus
August 2020

Francis Estrada, a senior at Baruch College, held one of two paid internships in the MDRC Judith Gueron Scholars Program this summer. In this Q&A, she describes what drew her to MDRC, how much she enjoyed working with qualitative data during her internship, and what her plans for the future are.

Issue Focus
July 2020

A Conversation with William Corrin, Director of MDRC’s K-12 Education Policy Area

In this Q&A, William Corrin, Director of MDRC’s K-12 Education Policy Area, discusses the challenges facing schools during the pandemic, the changing face of education research, and the opportunities to learn from how teachers, schools, and districts are responding to the current crisis.

Issue Focus
July 2020

How Place-Based Employment Programs like Jobs Plus Can Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Employment programs situated within public housing developments are facing multiple challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With routine operations disrupted by shelter-in-place orders, programs like Jobs Plus can find creative ways to keep their doors open and their clients engaged.

Issue Focus
July 2020

An Interview with Monisha Gibson

Monisha Gibson, director and CEO of the Maritime Odyssey Preschool in Norwalk, Connecticut, discusses the program’s work with a vulnerable student and family population during the coronavirus pandemic. She describes how Odyssey adapted to continue its holistic approach: prenatal support, food distribution, connections to mental health services, and quality preschool.

Issue Focus
July 2020

A recent (virtual) discussion with representatives of 13 schools, districts, and programs that provide work-based learning found each of them seizing unexpected opportunities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The pivot from hands-on experiential learning to virtual instruction is varied and evolving at these organizations, which offer internships, apprenticeships, job shadowing, and other work-related programs.

Issue Focus
July 2020

A Better Life is an economic mobility program operating in four housing authorities in Massachusetts. This brief discusses how the program has shifted to meet residents’ dramatically different needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working Paper
July 2020

This paper summarizes ASAP’s long-term effects and the educational investment in students associated with its services. The program helped students graduate faster, boosted graduation rates by 30 percent, and increased the financial aid students received.

Issue Focus
July 2020

An Interview with Karen Pennington and Dawn Slinkard

Tulsa Community WorkAdvance is a sector-based training and career advancement program that prepares people for jobs in the health care field. Executive Director Karen Pennington talks about the impact of COVID-19 on operations and future opportunities in health care, and graduate Dawn Slinkard describes her experience in the program.

Issue Focus
July 2020

Individual growth modeling allows researchers to examine individual research subjects’ trajectories over time. This post describes how the approach was used to test whether the growth in students’ academic skills slowed down during the summer between preschool and kindergarten, and how that pattern varied among students of different demographic groups.

Issue Focus
June 2020

Implementation researchers can be good partners to program operators at this difficult time — by being sensitive to the new constraints that programs face, by assessing how learning agendas and evaluation plans need to change, and by helping programs learn from the adaptations they are making in response to the pandemic.

Issue Focus
June 2020

Practical Advice from Richard Guare and Colin Guare

This Issue Focus offers guidance to social service programs seeking to help participants progress toward their goals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Techniques are described for alleviating social isolation, communicating remotely, setting and achieving goals, getting medication, assessing workplace safety, applying for public benefits, working from home, and managing grief.

June 2020

Higher Achievement, which serves fifth- through eighth-graders, is an effective after-school and summer program that improved middle school students’ math and reading test scores and the academic quality of many students’ high schools. These short-term gains did not translate into impacts on the types of colleges that students attended.

Issue Focus
June 2020

Here are MDRC’s Top Five Tips for social service and educational programs adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic. They focus on ensuring staff members’ and participants’ personal safety so that agencies can continue providing high-quality services and support while working remotely. They also include guidance on protecting participant confidentiality.