Melissa Wavelet
Melissa Wavelet
Senior Fellow
Postsecondary Education

Wavelet joined MDRC as a senior fellow in April 2019 after serving in executive roles in Colorado, Wisconsin, and New York City government agencies since 2005. She brings leadership experience designing, implementing, and continuously improving programs and policies that support families. At MDRC, she divides her time between advancing data use in state human services agencies on the TANF Data Innovation Initiative and promoting the adoption of evidence-based student support strategies on the following projects: College Completion, Tools for Postsecondary Schools, Scaling Up Community College Efforts for Student Success, and Intermediaries for Scale. She is the author of Improving College Graduation Rates with Multifaceted Student Support Programs and A Practitioner’s Framework for Measuring Results: Using “C-Stat” at the Colorado Department of Human Services. Wavelet holds a master’s degree in public management from the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service at New York University and a bachelor’s degree in political science and Spanish from Marquette University. 



TANF Data Collaborative Pilot Resources Toolkit


The TANF Data Collaborative Pilot Initiative Final Report


A Toolkit for Sustainable Data Use


The TANF Data Collaborative Approach


Here’s What Institutions and State Agencies Need to Know


Reemployment Strategies in Retention and Advancement Programs for Current and Former Welfare Recipients


An Introduction to the Employment Retention and Advancement Project