Emily Genetta
Emily Genetta
Research Analyst
Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment

Genetta is a research analyst in the Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment policy area. She joined MDRC in 2023 to lead research dissemination on the Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (BEES) and Testing Identified Elements for Success in Fatherhood Programs (TIES) projects. She also manages implementation research and heads the equity review training process in YCE.

Before joining MDRC, Genetta worked in grassroots organizing, direct service provision, and program design with overlapping populations of young people from low-income backgrounds, LGBTQ people, people who use drugs, people experiencing homelessness, and sex workers/people in the sex trades. Her prior research focused on the impacts of sex trade criminalization, and she has served as a consultant on participatory projects for the Global Network of Sex Work Projects, the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, and the National Survivor Network. She has also served as a research assistant at the Center for Justice Innovation.

She is a member of the Institute for the Development of Human Arts, a transformative mental health education organization, and Freedom Network USA, a rights-based anti-trafficking coalition. Genetta holds a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies from Fordham University and a master’s degree in social work with an emphasis in social policy from Rutgers University.