MDRC and Partners Receive IES Grant for National Center on Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Reading Instruction

A team led by Digital Promise and including MDRC has been awarded a grant by the federal Institute of Education Sciences to launch and lead the Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Reading R&D Center, a research and development hub that will investigate how to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to improve elementary school reading instruction for English learners.
Among fourth-grade students, only 33 percent of English learners meet the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Basic reading level—whereas 67 percent of all students reach this level. Teachers are essential to learning to read but often cannot spend as much time with each individual student as needed.
The Using Generative AI for Reading R&D Center (U-GAIN Reading) will investigate how to apply AI innovations, aligned to scientific evidence about reading, to achieve strong, equitable gains for diverse elementary school students, with a specific focus on English learners. U-GAIN Reading will ask two overarching research questions:
- How can generative AI improve reading performance for English learners and all students who are not yet reading connected text?
- How can generative AI improve proficient reading with comprehension for English learners and all students who are ready for a greater focus on comprehension?
U-GAIN Reading will build on an existing research-based tutoring platform, Amira Learning, that is used by more than 1 million students each year. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania will bring expertise in computational linguistics, computer sciences, and learning analytics. MDRC will conduct exploratory studies to understand the national context for use of generative AI to enhance the existing program and will assess the promise of the revised generative AI tool for improving learners' education outcomes. Additional experts in the science of reading, ethics, and strategies for national impact will support the project’s work.
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