Sector Training Evidence-Building Project (STEP)


The Sector Training Evidence-Building Project (STEP) is a new effort to invest in the next generation of evidence-building for sectoral training programs led by nonprofit organizations. Such programs train people for quality jobs in specific industries and occupational clusters where there is strong employer demand and the opportunity for career advancement. Rigorous research shows that sectoral training programs can meaningfully and sustainably improve participants’ earnings, but only a few programs have been shown to do so, and it is unclear what is driving the effectiveness of those programs. New evidence on the critical elements of sector programs, and how successful models operate and for whom, will help more sector programs effectively serve more and different types of job seekers with low incomes. 

A collaboration between Ascendium Education Group and MDRC, STEP will select, fund, and support projects that will advance high-quality research to produce evidence that is relevant to both individual providers and the field at large.

Grantees will form partnerships between researchers and sector program providers to build evidence in two areas: (1) determining the key elements needed to implement or expand access to effective sector programs and (2) assessing the effectiveness of sector programs that have not been rigorously evaluated and can expand understanding of the sector model.

Funded projects will use a range of research designs, including experimental or rigorous quasi-experimental evaluation, implementation research, cost analysis, participatory-action research, and so on. Grants will be funded for three to five years, during which grantees will participate in a community of practice managed by MDRC. Funding awards will vary from $250,000 to $2,000,000 based on the length and proposed research methods of the project. Awards will be made in spring 2025.

Requests for Proposals

MDRC is currently accepting applications from partnerships between researchers and sector program providers. Follow these steps to apply:

  1. Review the STEP Request for Proposals (RFP) to learn more about STEP and the application process. Review the example research questions to get ideas for possible projects to propose.
  2. Watch an informational webinar and review the webinar’s slides.
  3. Submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by completing this Microsoft form by November 15, 2024. View the questions you will be asked in the LOI.

Questions about STEP, the RFP, or the application process can be sent to the MDRC team at Questions must be submitted by October 17, 2024. Answers will be posted on this webpage on October 25, 2024.