College Completion Strategy Guide

The College Completion Strategy Guide—a collaboration among MDRC, the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, The Education Trust, and The Institute for College Access and Success—provides clear policy guidance and summarizes the research on strategies to increase college completion. With this strategy guide, state and system policymakers can advance meaningful change in higher education with evidence-based policy.

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Populations to Consider

How can we more equitably serve an increasingly diverse student body? These briefs highlight considerations for different student populations, strategies to increase college completion among these students, and how we can continue to build evidence on what works.

J. Luke Wood, Victor B. Sáenz, Emmet Campos

The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest over the last few years has been referred to as the “dual pandemics.” These challenges have contributed to startling college enrollment declines for men of color. This brief shares four strategies that colleges and universities can employ to better support them.

| Populations to Consider
Stella M. Flores

To increase postsecondary and economic opportunity in the United States, policymakers must put the practice and philosophy of equity—the distribution of resources to students and institutions most in need—at the center of program design. This brief discusses three actions state policymakers can take to achieve that goal.

Michael Steven Williams, Marjorie Dorimé-Williams

Although policymakers and institutions have increasingly disaggregated college completion data by race and gender to create targeted forms of support, the complex and intersecting challenges that Black women face in college often remain overlooked. This brief highlights opportunities to address the challenges Black women face in postsecondary education.

Education Strategy Group

College students who enroll full time directly after high school are often considered “traditional.” But their experience is not the norm—a large proportion of undergraduate students are older than 24, work full time, or have children. This brief shares recommendations for helping these “posttraditional” learners succeed. 

Jameson David Lopez

Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) are well positioned to provide educational experiences aligned with Native American students’ goals. This brief highlights the important role TCUs play in Native American communities and offers policymakers recommendations for supporting TCUs in increasing college completion for Native American students.